Workshops & Training

We offer a range of workshops and training to help you and your organization get the most out of your Cards On Race purchase. In-person and online sessions are available. For pricing and additional information, or to schedule a workshop, email Jackson Collins, Ed.D. at



This interactive workshop introduces participants to a grouping of critical racial literacy concepts. These concepts, used either by themselves or in combination, are fundamental to processing topics related to race, racially stressful encounters, and self-reflection about race. The Racial Literacy Basics workshop also introduces participants to frameworks for processing and discussing topics related to race. This workshop is excellent for all levels, people who are just beginning their racial literacy journey and those who are more experienced. Workshop duration: 1.5 hours

Practical Applications for Leaders

In this workshop, participants are introduced to practical use cases for Cards On Race that organizational leaders can use to develop racial literacy and inclusion in their communities. The workshop focuses on building a common language within a community and will help participants develop strategies to build racial literacy in their organization. Workshop duration: 1.5 hours


This interactive workshop uses a combination of Card On Race and case study analysis to help participants practice using racial literacy skills and content knowledge. Participants will co-process and roleplay scenarios that apply to their personal and professional contexts. This workshop will cover beginner, intermediate, and a few advanced concepts. Workshop duration: 2.0 hours


The Card On Race train-the-trainer workshop is designed for people who intend to facilitate small and large group activities with the Cards On Race deck. Either as the central tool or as a companion to exiting training or professional development activities. This workshop covers a variety of ways to use Cards On Race and the nuances of being an activity facilitator or leading a discussion on race. In particular, the workshop will cover the different approaches to promoting healthy engagement. This interactive workshop focuses on facilitation techniques with Cards On Race and various ways in which leaders and staff can use the deck as a learning tool. Workshop duration: 2.0 hours


The team at Cards On Race is happy to craft an individualized workshop that fits your organization's specific needs. Please contact Jackson Collins at for more information.