Other Cards On Race Features
QR Codes:
QR Codes (a black, pixilated square) are located in the top, right-hand corner of certain cards within the Card On Race deck. These codes lead to additional online resources about the concept, often from the original scholar, and in the form of a TED Talk, a website, or a journal article.
The definitions on each of the Topic, Feeling, and Strategy cards are intended to provide us with a common language with shared meanings. When facilitating Cards On Race activities and discussions, guide participants to use the card definitions to ensure the group is talking about the same thing or that meaning-making is consistent. This will limit misunderstanding (but not necessarily disagreement, which is okay). The definitions come from scholars from various fields and from commonly used reference materials and are edited down to fit the footprint of a poker card. No definition is perfect. As such, you might consider facilitating a conversation about meaning-making, how definitions are codified, and who gets to decide which definitions matter.
Reflection Questions:
Each Topic, Feeling, and Strategy card has a reflection question printed at the bottom of the card. The reflection questions are intended to inspire deeper thinking about the content of each card. You can also use the reflection questions as conversation starters.
Feeling Card Rating Scales:
The Feeling cards ask you to rate (measure) the intensity of the feeling that corresponds to the card you selected. Make an honest effort to dig into what you feel and how much you feel those feelings. Feelings are more powerful than we give them credit for being. That emotional power influences how we respond to the world around us. Knowing our levels is a healthy practice.
Also, don’t forget to unpack why the intensity of your feelings is at the level it is. Knowing your “why” is as important as knowing what you feel.